速報APP / 生活品味 / Azan Korea : prayer time korea 2019

Azan Korea : prayer time korea 2019





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



Azan Korea : prayer time korea 2019(圖1)-速報App

Adzan Korea Prayer Time Korea is especially designed to indicate the accurate prayer time (jadwal sholat korea selatan) for the majority of the cities of South korea, like waktu solat seoul, this application can also:

- Indicates you the accurate prayer times in korea ( jadwal sholat korea selatan ) .

- Reminder you before adzan with the ability to choose the duration for each prayer (sholat).

- Adzan jadwal sholat South Korea can select or download your favorite adzan or waktu sholat.

- Mute the sound of adzan by making a long click on the Volume button.

- Il can help you to find the Mosques near you with an accurate localization.

Azan Korea : prayer time korea 2019(圖2)-速報App

- A Compass is integrated to show the Qibla direction wherever you are!

- Times and rest time for next prayer time ( jadwal sholat ) on the bar of notifications

- View monthly prayer time with corresponding Hijri date is possible with jadwal sholat South Korea.

- Possibility to adjust adzan times manually

- More than 130 Quran reciters are available in jadwal sholat South Korea.

- Downloading mp3 Quran on your phone to listen without internet connection.

Azan Korea : prayer time korea 2019(圖3)-速報App

- Offers the different doa , doa sholat dhuha, bacaan sholat (or invocations)

- waktu solat seoul

- jadwal sholat korea selatan

- Muslim Prayer Time South Korea

- jadwal sholat korea

- waktu sholat korea

Azan Korea : prayer time korea 2019(圖4)-速報App

- jadwal sholat dan adzan korea

- prayer time seoul

- jadwal sholat korea selatan

- waktu solat seoul

- jadwal sholat di korea

- prayer time in seoul

Azan Korea : prayer time korea 2019(圖5)-速報App

- waktu solat korea

- jadwal sholat seoul

- waktu solat seoul

- waktu solat korea

- prayer times in seoul

- seoul prayer time

Azan Korea : prayer time korea 2019(圖6)-速報App

- prayer time in seoul

- prayer times in seoul

- jadwal sholat di korea

- prayer time seoul

- jadwal sholat

- jadwal sholat korea

Azan Korea : prayer time korea 2019(圖7)-速報App

- مواقيت الصلاة في كوريا

- مواقيت الصلاة في كوريا

Azan Korea : prayer time korea 2019(圖8)-速報App